California Department of Consumer Affairs License Investigations and Interviews with Investigators California Administrative Law pertains to the type of law that deals with professional licenses including the disciplining of those licenses. The California Government...
CA Professional Licenses: Reinstatement Petitions, License Surrender, Reconsideration and Writs of Mandamus Administrative law and professional license defense is a unique area of law with its own laws, statutes, rules and regulations. As such, if you are dealing with...
California Professional License Complaints Accusation, Statement of Issues, Notice of Defense and Statement to Respondent When a California professional licensing board or agency seeks to discipline (e.g. suspend or revoke) a license or deny a license application, the...
Can I Lose My California Professional License Based on a Driving Under the Influence Conviction? Driving Under the Influence or DUI (CA Vehicle Code section 23152) is a crime that nearly anyone may commit including licensed nurses (registered nurses and LVNs),...
CA Professional License Defense of Citations California Business and Professions Code section 125.9 authorizes CA licensing boards and agencies to issue “citations” for misconduct. Such citations generally entail fines ranging from $250 up to $5,000 or more. More...
OUT OF STATE LICENSE DISCIPLINE & CALIFORNIA MEDICAL BOARD, NURSING BOARD AND OTHER CALIFORNIA HEALTH CARE LICENSE CONSEQUENCES Many California physicians including those licensed by the CA Medical Board, CA Osteopathic Medical Board, CA Board of Podiatry, as...