California Department of Consumer Affairs

by | Oct 15, 2023 | Administrative Law, Professional License Law

California Administrative Law

License Investigations and Interviews with Investigators

California Administrative Law pertains to the type of law that deals with professional licenses including the disciplining of those licenses. The California Government Code lays out some of the basic rules regarding the administrative law and professional licensing hearing process.

However, that basic administrative hearing process is then supplemented with specific sections, rules and regulations that may be found in the Education Code (in teacher credentialing cases), the Business and Professions Code and the California Code of Regulations. Each type of professional license in California, including teaching credentials, nursing licenses, health care professional licenses, real estate licenses, department of insurance licenses, licenses governed by the department of consumer affairs, contractors licenses, day care licenses, therapists licenses, etc… have their own specific rules and bylaws.

Administrative law is much different from criminal law or civil law (the two most common branches of law) and should be practiced only by attorneys very familiar with the professional licensing rules such as Sacramento, California professional licensing attorney Jonathan Turner. For example, hearsay evidence is generally not admissible in civil or criminal court proceedings. However, in adminstrative law hearings regarding professional licenses, hearsay may be admissible as “administrative hearsay.” This is just one example of how administrative law is starkly different from criminal and civil law. There are numerous other examples.

Contact California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney

If you have a professional license or are applying for a professional license, and the Department of Consumer Affairs is investigating you, contact California professional licensing defense attorney at the Law Office of Jonathan Turner for a free consultation.

Should I Hire A Professional License Defense Attorney?

If you are being investigated by a California licensing agency or board and/or your professional license or license application is threatened with discipline such as denial, suspension or revocation, you should be looking into hiring a professional license defense attorney.
In fact, you have the right to an attorney at all points during a professional licensing investigation – a fact that the governing license board may or may not tell you.

License Defense Lawyer SacramentoMost professional license investigations are handled by the board’s enforcement unit. Investigations are normally triggered either by a criminal conviction (possibly disclosed on a first-time or renewal application) or by a report to the board alleging unprofessional conduct and/or fraud. At this point, the board’s enforcement unit or division of professional practices may contact the licensee or license applicant requesting additional information about the alleged misconduct. It is crucial that the licensee retain the services of an experienced professional license defense attorney like Jonathan Turner right away. It is also advantageous if the professional license defense attorney is located near the offices of the licensing agency or board. Most California licensing boards and agencies including the Department of Consumer Affairs are based in Sacramento, California.

By retaining a local administrative law attorney like Jonathan Turner early in the investigation the licensee or license applicant increases their chances of nipping the investigation in the bud so that it does not bloom into a formal disciplinary matter requiring an administrative hearing. Since 1998 Mr. Turner has been successful in working with licensees at the investigation’s inception assisting his clients in presenting the best and most appropriate documents to the board and then directly working with the board’s enforcement unit and attorneys in putting a stop to the investigation.

Contact Sacramento Professional Licensing Defense Attorney

If you are facing the discipline of a professional license and dealing with one of California’s numerous licensing boards such as the Board of Registered Nursing, the Board of Vocational Nursing, the Board of Behavioral Sciences, the Department of Real Estate, the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Department of Social Services or the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, contact administrative law lawyer at the Law Office of Jonathan Turner for free consultation.

Legal Trouble With Your Professional Licensing Board? Call for FREE consultation.

(916) 471-6506


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?