Administrative Law & Professional License Defense Attorney

Legal Trouble With Your Professional Licensing Board?
Are you under investigation by your professional licensing board, or afraid you will be soon?

California Professional License Threatened?
Has your professional license been revoked, suspended, or placed on probation by an accusation?

Protect and Defend Your Livelihood
If you received any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact us.
A professional license is a lifetime achievement.
Any threat to a license earned after years of study and practice calls for the help of a professional licensing attorney.
This legal specialty focuses on laws and regulations that govern more than 200 professions. Administrative law is a specific discipline not practiced by many attorneys. The professional license defense law firm of Jonathan Turner is the exception – Mr. Turner has extensive experience and a keen focus on professional licensing and administrative law.
Allegations of misconduct or negative events can lead licensing boards to deny, revoke or suspend professional licenses. This outcome can mean the end to a career and loss of a huge investment of time and money required to become a licensed professional. Representation by a professional licensing attorney is critical to protecting a professional’s future.
The road map of professional licensing boards is complicated. Understanding how to navigate this terrain takes significant time and personal networking. With a particular interest in helping individuals defend themselves against false, exaggerated or unjustified complaints, professional licensing attorney Jonathan Turner has made the investment needed to represent clients throughout the process of safeguarding their futures as professionals.
Consider for a moment a few of the actions an individual maybe faced with for the first time, and that a strong Sacramento, California administrative law attorney knows how to handle:
- Defending a licensed professional in an administrative hearing against allegations of criminal or professional misconduct;
- Responding to letters from boards and organizations that question professional integrity and threaten further action;
- Consult with our network of specialists to assess the validity of accusations made against a licensed professional;
- Mediating and negotiating with officials from departments overseeing licensed professionals;
- Representing a threatened professional’s best interest in administrative hearings;
- Filing appeals or writs of mandate for reinstatement of professional licenses that have been denied, suspended or revoked;
- Filing appeals or writs of mandate when an application for a professional license has been denied, and
- Managing many other unexpected and confusing actions that can (and do) arise when a licensing board or authority takes action against a licensed professional.
Defending Professional Licensees All Over California
We’re just minutes from most of California’s professional licensing agencies such as the CA Department of Consumer Affairs, the Bureau of Real Estate, the Department of Social Services, and most of California’s Medical, Nursing, and Health Care-related licensing agencies.