Character Support Letters & Personal Statements

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Administrative Law

California Administrative Law

Professional License Investigations

If you are subjected to an investigation regarding your moral character by one of California’s Professional Licensing Boards or Agencies including the Department of Consumer Affairs, the CA Medical Board, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the Board of Registered Nursing, the Department of Insurance, the Bureau of Real Estate, the Dental Board, the Board of Occupational Therapy, the Physical Therapy Board, the Psychology Board, the Board of Behavioral Sciences, or the Department of Social Services, you should consult an experienced professional license defense attorney like Jonathan Turner right away.

These investigations often entail a document submission phase which may include character letters of support and/or a personal statement directly from the licensee or license applicant addressing the alleged misconduct. Such document submissions should be handled with the assistance of an administrative law attorney.

For example, many times I have seen licensees handle the submission of character letters on their own. They accumulate these letters from friends or colleagues willy-nilly and dump them on the CA licensing board or agency. These letters are unstructured and fail to address the appropriate issues. As such, the board or agency or even administrative law judge gives them minimal weight and the license is ultimately denied, suspended or revoked.

When a CA professional license holder or applicant hires nursing license defense attorney Jonathan Turner he works one on one with his clients in gathering the most powerful character support letters possible. With over 15 years of experience representing CA professionals Mr. Turner knows the structure and content of such letters that carries the most weight with the licensing agencies. He works with his clients and their support people in properly structuring the best possible letters.

Likewise, the written statement or personal statement from the licensee or license applicant requested by the board and explaining the alleged offense or misconduct may likely be the most important document throughout the process. Again, Mr. Turner has seen professionals draft and submit these statements on their own without professional guidance. The results are often disastrous.

Mr. Turner works closely with his clients in crafting a personal statement that presents his clients in the best possible light.

In short, hiring professional license defense attorney Jonathan Turner to assist you in all phases of a professional licensing case or investigation, including the document submission phase, is a wise choice and could be the difference in avoiding severe discipline such as license denial, suspension or revocation.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?