Sacramento Professional Licensing Defense Attorney – Application Denial and Probationary Licenses

Sacramento Professional Licensing Defense Attorney

A mistake in your past, such as a criminal conviction, may cause your professional license application e.g. nursing license, insurance license, brokers license, real estate license, teaching credential, etc… to be denied.

If you have a criminal record and are applying for a professional license, it is in your best interest to hire a professional licensing/criminal attorney like Jonathan Turner.

Mr. Turner can assist you in clearing your criminal record and maximizing your chances of avoiding a professional license denial. However, if your application has already been denied, it is still not too late to get an administrative law/professional licensing lawyer. Such a lawyer can assist you in appealing the license application denial in the form of an administrative hearing and/or an administrative writ of mandate. Sometimes, the matter can even be resolved without the necessity of an admin hearing or writ. For example, your licensing attorney may be able to work something out with the licensing agency e.g. teacher credentialing commission, board of nursing, board of behavioral sciences, department of insurance, department of social services, etc… that provides you with a probationary licensing allowing you to engage in the profession of your choosing.

In sum, if you have a professional licensing issue, including but not limited to the denial, suspension or revocation of your professional license, contact professional licensing attorney Jonathan Turner right away.

Law Office of Jonathan Turner
3620 American River Drive, Suite 120 | Sacramento, CA 95864‎
Telephone: (916) 471-6506
Fax: (916) 471-6508


Sacramento Professional Licensing Defense Attorney – Law Office of Jonathan Turner

Sacramento Professional Licensing Defense Attorney – Application Denial & Probationary Licenses
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