DUI Arrests & Convictions CA Professional Licensees (Teachers, Nurses, Etc…) and Driving Under the Influence Arrests and Convictions. When a California professional licensee (such as a credentialed teacher, registered nurse, pharmacist, medical doctor, dentist,...
California Health Care and Other Professional License Investigations and the Right to Legal Counsel. By law a California professional license such as a registered nursing license, a medical license, a teaching credential, a CPA license, a psychology license, a...
Filing a Notice of Defense in Response to an Accusation or Statement of Issues When a California Professional Licensing agency such as the CA Department of Consumer Affairs, the CA Medical Board, the CA Dental Board, the CA Board of Pharmacy, the CA Commission on...
What Do If You Have a Professional License and are Arrested for a Crime If you are arrested for a crime, even a misdemeanor such as driving under the influence, and you have a professional license it is important that you engage the services of both a criminal...
Professional License Discipline & Stipulated Settlement Agreements Initially a California licensing board or agency, such as the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Board of Registered Nursing, Board of Behavioral Sciences, or Department of Consumer Affairs,...
How to Respond to an Accusation How to Respond to an Accusation from a California Licensing Board, Agency, Commission or the CA Department of Consumer Affairs? If you are a professional licensee in California, such as a credentialed teacher, registered nurse, licensed...