Sacramento, California Child Day Care Licenses Defense Lawyer

The issuance of child day care provider licenses is under the purview of the California Department of Social Services (DSS) based in Sacramento, California.

Most counties also have a community care licensing unit that oversees local day care providers as well as foster homes. If the day care provider is alleged to have committed neglect and/or has someone on the premises who has a criminal past, the day care license may be in jeopardy.

Day care license defense attorney Jonathan Turner is experienced in handling all sorts of administrative law/licensing cases throughout California. This experience includes gaining “exemptions” for household members at day cares with criminal pasts. This “exemption” allows the day care to continue operating as long as the individual with the criminal past, which may not be serious, is not involved with the operations of the day care facility.

Before the Department of Social Services can deny, suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline a day care license, the licensee is entitled to an administrative hearing. However, it is crucial that the day care have an experienced administrative hearing attorney like Mr. Turner on their side as administrative hearings are complex legal proceedings with unique rules and laws.

Jonathan Turner has a proven track record when it comes to saving licenses, including day care licenses, at the administrative hearing level. Once such case involved a day care in Central California. The Department sought to revoke the day care’s license for neglect. However, at the administrative hearing, Mr. Turner convinced the presiding administrative law judge (ALJ) that the alleged neglect was due to extreme extenuating circumstances. As such, the judge ruled that the day care could continue to operate.
If you are a California child day care facility or provider and your day care license is being investigated, contact Sacramento license defense lawyer Jonathan Turner, who handles matters all over California, for a free consultation.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?