Veterinary, veterinary hospital, and veterinary technician licenses are governed by the Veterinary Medical Board of California which is part of the Department of Consumer Affairs and based in Sacramento, California.

The Veterinary Medical Board may seek to deny or discipline one of the aforementioned licenses for alleged misconduct, including criminal convictions, fraud, dishonesty and unprofessionalism.

Veterinary license disciplinary matters begin with an investigation by the Board and the Department of Consumer Affairs. Sometimes the licensee or license applicant is afforded the opportunity to submit to an interview with one of the Dept. of Consumer Affairs’ investigators. It is most important that the licensee have an experienced professional license defense attorney like Jonathan Turner present for such an interview. These interviews can be lengthy and are tape-recorded.

Following the Board’s investigation, the Board may determine that discipline is, in fact, necessary. As such, the matter is then forwarded to the California Attorney General’s Office for prosecution. The Attorney General will issue a formal complaint – an Accusation (for veterinary license holders) and a Statement of Issues (for license applicants). It is crucial that the license holder or applicant have an administrative law attorney involved at this point who can quickly respond, as required by law, to the complaint in the form of a Notice of Defense and Request for Discovery.

Since 1998 veterinary license defense attorney Jonathan Turner has handled dozens of administrative hearings all over California from San Diego and Los Angeles on up to Oakland and Sacramento. Mr. Turner understands the complexities of licensing defense cases and hearings including their unique rules of evidence and procedure found in the California Administrative Procedures Act (APA). Mr. Turner knows how to effectively fight such cases in court via live witness testimony, documentary evidence and persuasive argument to the presiding administrative law judge (ALJ). Mr. Turner has obtained remarkable results for his professional license clients over the years often salvaging their careers by getting their license granted and/or assisting them in avoiding license suspensions and revocations.

If you are a veterinarian, veterinary hospital or veterinary technician or seeking to become one and you are being investigated by the Veterinary Medical Board, contact professional license defense Sacramento attorney Jonathan Turner for a free consultation.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?