The California Medical Board which is part of the California Department of Consumer Affairs based in Sacramento, California oversees medical licenses for doctors and aspiring doctors.

Likewise, the Physician Assistant Board of the California Medical Board deals with licenses for physician assistants.

Common reasons for the Medical Board and Physician Assistant Board to deny the issuance of a license or take disciplinary actions against the licensee are criminal convictions, including misdemeanors, allegations of dishonesty or unprofessionalism, or concerns regarding alcohol or substance abuse.

If the Medical Board’s disciplinary division contacts you or is inquiring into your “fitness” to hold a license, it is vital that you contact an experienced professional licensing defense lawyer like Jonathan Turner. Mr. Turner can assist you in making a presentation to the Board that you are fit to hold a medical license. Since 1998, Mr. Turner has been representing professionals, including medical licensees, throughout California. Over the years Mr. Turner has attained valuable experience in determining how best to handle a Medical Board investigation so as to preserve his client’s profession.

Preserving the client’s medical license may include probation and/or an alcohol and/or substance abuse diversion program in lieu of suspension, revocation or denial of the license. If Sacramento, California medical license defense attorney Jonathan Turner cannot get your case dismissed or work out a stipulated settlement with the Medical Board or Physician Assistant Board, then he will aggressively represent you through the administrative hearing process.

Administrative hearings wherein the Board seeks discipline of the license are normally held at one of California’s four offices of administrative hearings in San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Sacramento. Mr. Turner has handled numerous such hearings at all of the above locales. Such hearings include live witness testimony, subpoena power, and documentary evidence all heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ). The Board is represented by an experienced attorney at these hearings thus you should be as well.

Following the administrative hearing, the ALJ issues a decision. Mr. Turner has received dozens of favorable decisions and results following administrative hearings over the years. Also, if the decision seems to lack merit, Mr. Turner can assist you in challenging the final decision via an administrative writ of mandamus (writ of mandate). Mr. Turner has filed numerous writs of mandate against California professional licensing agencies over the years wherein he has often prevailed.
If you are a licensed physician or physician assistant or seek to obtain such a license, but are being subjected to an inquiry or investigation as to your moral character by the Board, contact physician assistant license defense attorney Jonathan Turner right away.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?