Physical Therapy and Physical Therapy Assistant Licenses

The Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC), which is part of the California Department of Consumer Affairs, oversees the licensing of physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs).

Both the Physical Therapy Board and the Department of Consumer Affairs are located in Sacramento, California just a few miles from the Law Office of Jonathan Turner. If a holder or applicant for a PT or PTA license has been convicted of a crime and/or accused of dishonesty or unprofessionalism, the Physical Therapy Board will likely conduct a “fitness” investigation. It is vital that if the PTBC indicates it will be conducting such an investigation or inquiry, that you retain the services of an experienced professional licensing defense attorney like Jonathan Turner.

If a PT or PTA license holder develops a chemical dependency problem, it may be possible for the licensee to engage in the Board’s diversion program and avoid the suspension or revocation of the license. Otherwise, a Board investigation can result in the career-crippling denial, suspension or revocation of the PT or PTA license. Such investigations by the Board begin with the licensee (and ideally their attorney) providing the Physical Therapy Board with certain documents, reports, statements and letters. Thereafter, the Board may issue a formal Accusation or Statement of Issues seeking license suspension, revocation or denial.

If you receive an Accusation or Statement of Issues from the Physical Therapy Board and/or the Department of Consumer Affairs, a response in the form of a Notice of Defense and Request for Discovery must be filed with the Board within 15 days. Thereafter, the matter is set for an administrative hearing which is a formal court hearing taking place at one of California’s Offices of Administrative Hearings. Physical Therapy License Defense Attorney Jonathan Turner has handled administrative hearings all over California including San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area, and Sacramento. These hearings include live witness testimony, documentary evidence and exhibits, and unique rules of evidence found in part in the California Administrative Procedures Act (APA). Following the hearing, a decision is issued by the presiding administrative law judge (ALJ). That decision can include probation, suspension, or revocation. Since 1998 Jonathan Turner has handled numerous such hearings with a high degree of success including preserving his clients’ licenses without suspension or revocation, or the denial of the license application.

If you are a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant or applying to become one, and the Physical Therapy Board is inquiring into your moral character/fitness to hold the license, contact California professional license defense lawyer Jonathan Turner.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?