Settlements in Lieu of Administrative Hearings

by | May 1, 2024 | CA Professional Licenses

If you are a California professional licensee, such as a medical doctor, osteopathic medical doctor, registered nurse, credentialed teacher, pharmacist, physical therapist, dentist, chiropractor, real estate broker, speech pathologist, certified public accountant, licensed attorney, respiratory care therapist, etc. and receive an Accusation or Statement of Issues seeking discipline (suspension, revocation or denial) of your license, you have only one recourse – request an administrative hearing.

Once you or your attorney request that administrative hearing (it is advised that you retain an administrative law attorney/professional license defense attorney as soon as you receive an Accusation or Statement of Issues), there is the possibility that the matter can be resolved or settled without the necessity of an actual administrative hearing.

As an experienced CA professional license defense attorney who has represented numerous licensees before the:

  • CA Department of Consumer Affairs
  • CA Medical Board
  • CA Osteopathic Medical Board
  • CA Board of Pharmacy
  • CA Board of Registered Nursing,
  • CA Vocational Nursing Board,
  • CA Dental Board,
  • CA Physical Therapy Board
  • CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing
  • CA Department of Insurance
  • CA Bureau of Real Estate
  • CA Bureau or Office of Real Estate Appraisers
  • CA Court Reporters Board
  • CA Bureau of Automotive Repair
  • CA Board of Behavioral Sciences
  • CA Department of Social Services
  • CA Board of Speech Pathology
  • CA Chiropractic Board
  • and so on.

I always do my best to settle cases prior to administrative hearing.

Settlements can be the best way of resolving a case. Administrative hearings are long, costly and often unpredictable, thus achieving a settlement that allows my clients to keep their CA professional license is my priority. Such settlements may include citations, public reprovals or admonishments or probation.

Citations issued by CA licensing boards such as the Board of Registered Nursing or the Board of Pharmacy occur for very minor violations and generally only involve a fine. Citations may or may not be considered formal discipline. Also, citations may or may not be public record.

Public reprovals or public letters of reprimand can also be an excellent resolution in a CA professional licensing case. Though public, such admonishments do not impact the actual professional license. Also, most CA licensing boards and agencies will remove the reprimand or reproval from one’s licensing record (often found on the internet or in California’s new BREEZE license verification system) after a period of time.

Probation with a CA licensing board or bureau can be very restrictive but is certainly preferable to an outright suspension or revocation of the CA professional license. Terms and conditions of probation with any given CA board or bureau vary and are often laid out in the agency’s “disciplinary guidelines.” Probation agreements with any of California’s many licensing boards, most of which are located in Sacramento, CA including the CA Department of Consumer Affairs, are complex matters that should be handled by a California professional license and health care license industry defense attorney like Jonathan Turner and the Law Office of Jonathan Turner.

If you are a CA licensee or applying for a CA professional license including those in the health care related fields, and you find yourself in the position of having to contest or appeal proposed discipline, suspension, revocation or denial of your license, contact Sacramento, California professional license defense lawyer Jonathan Turner for a free consult.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?