California Health Care and Other Professional License Investigations and the Right to Legal Counsel.

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Administrative Law

By law a California professional license such as a registered nursing license, a medical license, a teaching credential, a CPA license, a psychology license, a contractors board license, a court reporters license, a dental board license, a physical therapy license, a speech pathology license, a real estate license, an insurance license, a chiropractic board license, and other such licenses are deemed vested property rights.

As such, California professionals including doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, and so on have a right to an attorney any time they are being investigated by one of California’s licensing boards or agencies. This includes investigations conducted by the CA Department of Consumer Affairs, the CA Board of Registered Nursing, the CA Vocational Nursing Board, the CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the CA Medical Board, the CA Dental Board, the CA Chiropractic Board, the CA Board of Pharmacology, the CA Department of Insurance, the CA Bureau of Real Estate, the CA Department of Social Services, the CA Physical Therapy Board, the CA Board of Real Estate Appraisers, etc…

These investigations may include in person or telephone interviews with a board investigator such as one with the CA Department of Consumer Affairs, a letter of explanation to the board or agency, a meeting before a panel such as in the case of the CA Medical Board, a personal appearance before the CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Committee of Credentials, providing police reports or court documents to the board or agency, or, in its later stages responding to a Statement of Issues or Accusation seeking formal license discipline such as denial, suspension or revocation.

It is vital that no matter what stage of the investigatory process you are in that you, as a CA professional license holder or applicant engage the services of an experienced professional license defense and administrative law attorney like Jonathan Turner as soon as possible. Too often I have seen clients including medical doctors, registered nurses, or credentialed teachers make the mistake of going to interviews, meetings, and hearings before their respective CA licensing boards without legal counsel. Even simply responding to a letter from the CA board’s enforcement or professional practices division without legal counsel can be a mistake.

In short, if you are a CA licensed professional accused of misconduct and/or being investigated or questioned by your respective licensing board, most of which are based in Sacramento, CA, contact professional license defense attorney and administrative law specialist Jonathan Turner for a free consultation. Jonathan Turner has many years of experience protecting the professional licenses of Californians from San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles on up to the SF Bay Area, and Sacramento.


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?