Professional License Revocation, Suspension and Denial

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Teaching Credential

administrative law attorney sacramento

California’s professional licensing boards are increasingly becoming more vigilant in scrutinizing those who hold or are applying for a professional license such as a teaching credential, nursing license, real estate license, health services license, etc…

Such disciplinary actions often begin with a complaint lodged by a former employer or because of a criminal conviction. The California Licensing Board, such as the Board of Behavioral Sciences, the Board of Real Estate, the Board of Psychology, the Nursing Board, or the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, usually begins with an informal investigation asking for a written explanation from the professional license holder or applicant. From there, the investigation often escalates towards an administrative hearing held at one of California’s several offices of administrative hearings. It is critical for someone dealing with even the earliest phases of a licensing investigation to obtain legal representation so as to increase their chances of securing their professional license.

If you and your professional license are being investigated by one of California’s licensing agencies located in Sacramento, call the Law Office of Jonathan Turner immediately.

Teaching Credentialing License Discipline and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing based in Sacramento, California governs all teaching credentials including administrative credentials. Whether you are a first time applicant for your teaching credential or a license holder simply renewing your credential, you will have to undergo a criminal history and moral character background check with the Commission.

A new or old criminal matter likely will trigger an investigation by the Commission’s Division of Professional Practices. Likewise, a report from a school district alleging misconduct may trigger a licensing investigation. A Commission investigation normally begins with the licensee or license applicant receiving a letter requesting certain documentation regarding the alleged misconduct. If you receive this letter of inquiry from the Commission’s Division of Professional Practices, it is important that you contact Sacramento, California teacher credentialing attorney Jonathan Turner.

If, following this document request stage, the Commission wants to continue on with its investigation, the licensee or license applicant will receive a letter offering the educator an opportunity to personally appear before the Commission’s Committee of Credentials. If you receive such a personal appearance letter it is even more important that you contact a Sacramento, California professional licensing attorney. Sacramento, California administrative law attorney Jonathan Turner has dealt with literally hundreds of such teacher credentialing investigations and can expertly guide you through both the document supplying stage of the process as well as the personal appearance before the Committee.

Following the personal appearance before the Committee of Credentials, a recommendation is made regarding the discipline of the teaching license. Discipline can range from no action taken to the suspension, revocation, or denial of the credential.

In summary, teacher credentialing investigations are serious matters that require the best professional license attorney being involved. Your career may depend on it.

Legal Trouble With Your Professional Licensing Board? Call for FREE consultation.

(916) 471-6506


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

    Do you currently hold the license? Yes or No

    Have you received an Accusation or Statement of Issues?