Another Teaching Credential Victory!

by | Oct 28, 2013 | Teaching Credential

california teaching credential defense

Today my client and I learned that the investigation into her “fitness” to hold a teaching credential by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Committee of Credentials has ended.

The Commission determined that no adverse action against my client’s teaching credential was warranted. My client and I battled hard and won!

The matter all began when my client resigned from her school district while allegations of misconduct were pending. A resignation under such circumstances, pursuant to the California Education Code, requires that the resigning teacher be reported to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Division of Professional Practices.

California Teaching Credential DefenseAn investigation thus began by the Commission which included a thorough document review of the matter. Thereafter, my client received a letter that her matter would be considered by the Committee of Credentials at their upcoming meeting in Sacramento, California and that she (and her attorney) were invited to attend the meeting. It was at this point that the teacher wisely retained the Law Office of Jonathan Turner specializing in Professional License Defense. We immediately swung into action which included ordering her file from the Commission, reviewing it with her, and determining what additional documents needed to be submitted to the Commission prior to the upcoming Sacramento meeting.

Thereafter, I met with the client and thoroughly prepared her for the appearance before the Committee in Sacramento. Since 1998 I, Jonathan Turner, have been representing teachers and other California professionals in licensing investigations all over the state. For example, I have personally accompanied clients to dozens, if not hundreds, of such appearances before the Committee of Credentials.

Following the appearance before the Committee, wherein my client presented herself and her case professionally and thoroughly, the Committee notified us within 2 weeks that they were terminating their investigation and would not be taking any adverse action against her teaching credentials – a truly hard-fought and deserving victory.

If you are credentialed teacher in California and being investigated by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Division of Professional Practices, contact Teacher Credential Defense Attorney Jonathan Turner right away for a free consultation.

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(916) 471-6506


If you received a denial of a professional license or any threat to your ability to continue practicing your profession, please contact attorney Jonathan Turner using this contact form or call (916) 471-6506 for a personal conversation.

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