California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney – Frequently Asked Questions

California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney

Most people have never heard of administrative law until they are in need of an administrative law attorney because they have a professional license or professional license application under investigation by one of California’s licensing agencies.

These agencies include the Department of Insurance, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Board of Behavioral Sciences, Board of Registered Nursing, Medical Board, Veterinarian Board, Board of Psychology, Department of Social Services, Department of Real Estate, etc…

Professional licenses covered by administrative law include teaching credentials, RN licenses, insurance licenses, daycare licenses, psychology licenses, MFTs and other therapists licenses, real estate and real estate appraisers licenses, and so on.

An investigation of a professional license often occurs either because of a criminal conviction or because a complaint has been made to the governing agency alleging dishonest or unethical conduct. The professional licensing agency usually alerts the licensee or applicant of the investigation. A person being investigated by a professional licensing agency, unlike a criminal defendant for example, is not entitled by law to an attorney. Nonetheless, it is critical that the licensee privately retain the services of an experienced administrative law attorney right away.

An experienced California professional licensing defense attorney like Jonathan Turner can assist the licensee through the agency’s internal investigation and, if necessary, through the administrative hearing process that sometimes follows. It is a mistake for an individual dealing with a professional license investigation to represent themself. A professional license is something that a person spends a great deal of schooling and money to obtain and on which they bank their future. As such, that person should do everything possible to obtain or retain their license which means hiring the best administrative law attorney.

California professional licensing defense attorney Jonathan Turner has handled hundreds of administrative law matters and hearings throughout California – from San Diego to Oakland and Sacramento. His rates are competitive with even those less experienced professional licensing lawyers. If your professional license or professional license application is being investigated, contact professional licensing attorney Jonathan Turner for a free consultation.

Law Office of Jonathan Turner
3620 American River Drive, Suite 120 | Sacramento, CA 95864‎
Telephone: (916) 471-6506
Fax: (916) 471-6508


California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney – Law Office of Jonathan Turner (916) 471-6506

Sacramento Administrative Law – Frequently Asked Questions
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