Administrative Law Attorney Sacramento CA – Administrative Writs of Mandate

Administrative Law Attorney Sacramento CA

If a professional licensing agency, such as the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Board of Registered Nursing or Department of Real Estate, opts to suspend, revoke, deny or otherwise discipline a license following an administrative hearing.

The licensee either has to accept the decision or appeal it.

Accepting the discipline can be a hard pill to swallow since a professional license suspension stays on a professional’s record forever. If the license is revoked, the person can apply for reinstatement of the license in the future, but the odds of getting the revoked license reinstated are slim. And, if the license application is simply denied, the applicant may apply again in the future. But, again, the odds of getting an application that was previously denied accepted in the future are slim. Thus, it may very well be in your interest to appeal the licensing board’s or agency’s decision. Contact Sacramento, California Professional Licensing Attorney Jonathan Turner to discuss this option.

An administrative writ of mandamus or writ of mandate (see California Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.5 and/or 1085) is the way in which an administrative law decision to discipline a professional license is to be appealed. Writs of Mandate are extremely complicated and it is not recommended that a person file one without legal assistance. Sacramento, California Administrative Law Attorney Jonathan Turner has handled dozens of writs of mandate since 1998. Most California writs of mandate should be filed in Sacramento Superior Court because most of California’s professional licensing agencies are based in Sacramento, California. Sacramento, California Teaching Credential Attorney Jonathan Turner is based in Sacramento and is well-versed in the legal processes in Sacramento Superior Court.

When an administrative writ of mandate is filed appealing the board’s licensing decision, the licensee or license applicant is then given the opportunity for a superior court judge to independently evaluate the evidence to determine what, if any, license discipline is appropriate. Sacramento, California Nursing License Attorney Jonathan Turner has been successful in salvaging the professional licenses of numerous clients by utilizing the writ of mandate appeal process.

If you have a professional license that is being investigated or disciplined by the Department of Real Estate, Nursing Board, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Board of Behavioral Sciences, Department of Social Services, Department of Insurance, Contractors Board, or any other California licensing board, contact administrative law attorney Sacramento CA Jonathan Turner for a free consultation.

Law Office of Jonathan Turner
3620 American River Drive, Suite 120 | Sacramento, CA 95864‎
Telephone: (916) 471-6506
Fax: (916) 471-6508


Administrative Law Attorney Sacramento CA – Law Office of Jonathan Turner (916) 471-6506

Administrative Law Attorney Sacramento CA – Administrative Writs of Mandate
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