Administrative Law Lawyer California – The Administrative Law Process

Administrative Law Lawyer California

California administrative law is a specific field of law with its own unique set of statutes, rules and regulations.

Administrative law applies to cases involving professional licenses such as nursing licenses, teacher credentials, real estate licenses, etc…

If a professional license holder or applicant has committed a crime or is accused of professional misconduct or dishonesty, then the professional licensing agency such as the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Board of Registered Nursing, Department of Real Estate, Board of Behavioral Sciences or Department of Social Services will conduct an investigation. The investigation may start out in an informal manner involving, for example, a written statement from the licensee or license applicant. Though the investigation appears informal at this stage, it is beneficial to have a Sacramento, California administrative law attorney involved.

If the professional licensing agency believes that the applicant or holder of the license is unfit to practice the profession, then they will seek to discipline (i.e. deny, suspend or revoke) the professional license. As such, a Statement of Issues (for license applicants) or Accusation (for license holders) will be issued. At this point it is vital that the licensee engage a Sacramento, California Professional Licensing Attorney. A response to the Accusation or Statement of Issues, called a Notice of Defense, must be filed by the licensee or their attorney within 15 days. Thereafter, the matter will be set for an administrative hearing at one of California’s Offices of Administrative Hearings (San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento). Occasionally, an experienced attorney, such as Sacramento, California Nursing License attorney Jonathan Turner can resolve the case prior to hearing and in a fashion that preserves his client’s professional career.

However, if the matter goes to hearing and the licensee does not prevail, there is still an opportunity to appeal the judge’s hearing decision in the form of an administrative writ of mandate. Sacramento, California teaching credential attorney Jonathan Turner is one of the few attorneys with vast experience in filing, handling and prevailing on such writs of mandate.

Lastly, if your license has been revoked, you still have the opportunity to apply for reinstatement of the license. Though reinstatement of a professional license is difficult, Sacramento, California administrative law attorney Jonathan Turner has been successful in winning such reinstatement petitions.

If you live anywhere in California, and are dealing with the investigation and/or proposed discipline of a professional license, contact administrative law lawyer California Jonathan Turner for a free consultation.

Law Office of Jonathan Turner
3620 American River Drive, Suite 120 | Sacramento, CA 95864‎
Telephone: (916) 471-6506
Fax: (916) 471-6508


Administrative Law Lawyer California – Law Office of Jonathan Turner

Administrative Law Lawyer California – The Administrative Law Process
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